Friday, March 2, 2012

Hide Files or Folders Using Command Prompt

                         hide files and folders using Command Prompt

                       The most important thing is that, once hidden with this method, the files/folders cannot be viewed by any search options even if you click "Show All Hidden Files and Folders".

For Example: You have a folder named "mydatas" and this folder is stored in (Disk Drive D).

follow the following instructions:

  1. start->run : Run command dialog box appears.
  2. Now type "cmd" and hit enter. A command prompt window displays.
  3. Now type "attrib +s +h D:\mydatas" and hit enter.
  4. The folder "mydatas" will be hidden (Note: It cannot be viewed by any search options)

    (To view this folder again, use the same command but replace '+' with '-' on both flags 's' and 'h')

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